Thursday, August 11, 2011

kisah saya

hi semua,
sangat lama tidak mengupdate blong ini.......
saya ingin memulakan mukadimah saya dengan assalamualaikum.....huhuhu
cerita tentang saya terbaru adalah...saya sudah habis study..ini lah saya idamkan kan.....tetapi masalah ingin mencari kerja...wahhhh sungguh susah lupanya..nak cari yang betol2 sesuai dengan hati neyh......streeesssss!!!!!!.....namun alhamdulillah...akhirnya jumpa juga...exited bercampur takot..harap2nya sesuai dengan jiwa ku.....iyakan....bukan senang nak biasekan diri di tempat baru neyh..antare kuat n tidak jek.....harapannya....bertahanla....heheheheh...mcm2 impian neyh dengan 1st gaji...nak beli camera la...handfone la....kereta lah...aissshhh!!!!!!!impian melambung2...macam tak sedar diry jek....keje pun tak start lagi kan....itulah manusia neyh....mudah lupe....hahahhahahahah.......tak tahu nak merapu ape lagi.....the end..

Sunday, October 24, 2010

ENG 276 ( public speaking)

as personally, subject ENG276(public speaking) is very challenging my knowledge on English language. sometimes i feel exited but sometimes feel stress but i also enjoy it. Public speaking actually makes the students learn the real way to make a good and effective presenter to the listeners. subject ENG276 is very use full to student because we doing presentation not only our study times but we also have to do presentation during our works time. a effective presentation helps the listeners understand what we really wants to say. public speaking is also used in our daily life when we discuss, give opinion, promoting something and many more. public speaking suitable for all people at any age . its not only a course in a collage but its also used in school level studies also make public speaking competition. for me who makes a good presentation is intelligent and perfect. because general knowledge or own personal knowledge is very important in public speaking. other than that with public speaking we can sharpen our language. as a conclusion subject ENG276 very important for used and for all institution to improve knowledge, improve self confident, increase information and gets a use full experience. because on that we have to learn and understand this subject.
i hope u all enjoy with my opinion....


my memory of my public speaking is very difficult memory for me to forget at my day life. it is a sweet memories for me.the time that i cant forget is when I'm doing my forum. I'm really enjoy see my friends seriousness when doing the forum. the most funnest group for me is my friends Farid group. they very funny because they talk spontaneous. Nazmi's group also make little different. they come out with a interesting topic '' love before married or love after married''. i also cannot forget my own forum. because i become a women who throw the baby.because my forum's topic is a baby dumping. we do many research because this is a one of the hot topic. other memory that i cannot forget during my presentation collage presentation. i really enjoy doing my own collage with my own creativity . i likes my friends Nadirah's collage. because its very beautiful, its really like a memory album.other than that, faizal's collage also creative and different from others.i thinks that the best presenters are Aisyah, Tyvia, Nisha, Faizal, Nazmi and other. because i think everyone who presents are very energetic and creative.i also Cannot forget my lecturer madam Hartini because she have helps us a lot even my group makes many mistake. she give chance to use to redo, and i also like to see her reaction when my classmate do mistake, out of topic and many more. she will correct every mistakes that we do. and at last she will says thanks. for me it shows that she appreciate us even we have make mistakes.
all memories difficult for me to forget. dream.....

hello... my dear readers, thanks a lot for willing to read my blog. today was a great full day with the good weather. Today date is a 20.10.2010 and that are good date for all to remind a special day such as anniversary, birthday, engagement day,a day with full memories that difficult for everyone to forget and this also a very special day for me too, because on this day starting of dreams journey that changing my life style. so that my life become complete. i would like to finish my studies with a high CG PA. it will help me to find suitable and good job with my studies experience. beginning from the next year, i proceed with my industrial training for the 3 months.i think from industrial training i achieve a bit from my dream.i would apply my knowledge about accounting when industrial training. i also would like to have a beautiful house, car, a lot of money, career and live with a good and understanding life partner. because this is also one of my dreams. after i got a second dreams comes true, my another aim is to helping, give happiness and pleasant and easy life to my family with my own money. i hope my family members also appreciate and proud of me. my last but not least. i want send my parent to makkah for their haj. i hope all my dreams and ambition before will come true before me and my parent leave this world . my dream make a return to my parent is aspect of make me successful women in my life.
thanks a lot for

Saturday, October 16, 2010

oh challenging in public speaking......

hello see on the next topic.....
seriously, I'm not really interest in this public speaking because a lot of presentation is make me stress. because of this public speaking i cannot concentrate with other subject plus I'm so nervous when have a presentation.
but some of the topic encourage me to learn English with more correct grammar and sentences. some times i really shame with my language that why I'm not interest in this public speaking.
the most challenging part in performing assessment in public speaking is the correct language and the correct information. for me i do a lot of preparation, because i don't want use a broken English in front of people and make people laugh to me.
let me prepare more time because the satisfaction of my language and grammar is correct with my speech. the most i like in this public speaking is forum and impromptu assessment, because that make me entertain my self also my members.
actually public speaking is not burden my self because it's help me a lot to improve my English.
attend learn public speaking i feel more confident with my language and give me advantage for my future works.
lovely thanks..


assalamualaikum and have a good day everyone especially my beloved lecturer madam hartini and all my friends. today i would like to give my opinion for the persuasive speech.
persuasive speech is one of the challenging assessment for me. i did a lot of preparation to persuasive speech. my persuasive speech's topic is housekeeping service. i be come more excited in this assessment because a lot of information about this service make me more interesting to complete that persuasive speech.
during my persuasive speech i have promote my housekeeping service to customer. the details about my service is briefly explain by me and my partner. we explain our companies background, the advantages of the service, the special promotion sale in our service, we also explain types of service and so on.
actually in my own opinion I'm not that much like in this persuasive speech because I'm not good in attract customer to promote my service. but from this persuasive speech i have learn how to improve my self confident. i become confident went talk in front of customer about a service with a details information. it makes customer to believe and trust for my service.
i would like to thanks to our lecturer madam hartini because give me change to proof my self in front of people.
so thanks you so much.